Event Schedule

Friday, July 4, 2025

9:00 Antique Cars Gather at the Library Field

10:00 Bike Decorating Contest on the Town Common

11:00 Parade Begins (Depot Road to Library Field)

12:00 Flag Raising and Field Events at the Library Field

Our activities don't happen without the generous support of volunteers! Bring your kids, a friend, or your whole family to make memories and support the town. Sign up here.

There is no entry fee for the events. There will be items and food available for purchase.

Volunteers are needed for our town events to continue. Please visit the Volunteer page to learn more.

Independence Day is Harvard’s hometown celebration and longest-running tradition. It is run entirely by volunteers. These folks work tirelessly to assure that the celebration continues to be a destination for friends and families. Started in 1906, the event has evolved with the decades, but what has remained the same is the spirit of Harvard and our celebration of family, community, and country.