Community Volunteers
Our celebration is run completely by volunteers. Please consider signing up to help organize the Parade, Bike Decorating Contest, or other Field Events. We need volunteers to help prepare for the big day, as well as on the 4th. Sign up to volunteer here.
Some positions would be great for a high school or college student, or the even whole family! We are happy to work with you to get your friends and family assigned to the same station. Maybe you and your friend grew up doing the Bike Decorating Contest, and would like to run that event now. Maybe your kids are obsessed with the Greased Pole, and want to cheer everyone on to victory. Maybe you know someone who gets a little too excited to throw candy in the parade—they’d be perfect for the Candy Scramble. Sign up and let us know what you’re interested in!
Bromfield Boys Soccer teams up with Harvard 4th of July
Boys Bromfield Varsity Soccer will be partnering with the 4th of July Committee to provide much-needed assistance with our Independence Day celebrations. The team will also arrive early on the morning of July 4th to help set up the parade route and field events. They will also assist in manning the games and parking antique cars at the field events.
Without the support of Coach Horne, Coach Hill and the team, we would not be able to bring you the field events with all the games as we know them. We are grateful to the team for their support. We show our support to them by making a donation to the Friends of Harvard Soccer.