The parade has a code of conduct to ensure a positive and safe experience for everyone involved.

Harvard 4th of July is a nonprofit town committee. We are committed to being a responsible partner within the community.

By submitting an application to participate in the parade, you agree to follow the guidelines listed below:

  • Be courteous towards each other, the Harvard community and its surrounding towns.

  • Refrain from language or behavior which could reasonably be perceived as threatening, abusive, insulting, or lewd.

  • Follow the instructions of parade staff, volunteers and officials (e.g. HPD, HFD), from assembly to dispersal.

  • Refrain from using the parade as a platform to promote any specific agenda. This includes using slogans, displaying signage or distributing literature supporting or opposing any specific governmental policy, ideology, political party, candidate, or elected official that could be reasonably considered demeaning, discriminatory or harassing behavior or speech deemed inappropriate.

Any violation of the code of conduct will result in immediate removal from the Harvard 4 th of July Parade, Field Events or related activities.


  1. No recorded or live broadcasting of political or commercial messages allowed.

  2. No use of alcoholic beverages allowed before or during the parade march.

  3. Politicians and Political entries will be limited to ONE vehicle.